"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Great is His Faithfulness

How am I to summarize, learn from, apply, or be appropriately thankful for all that has happened to me this year?  How do I best put into words and describe how utterly different I am today, how vastly different of a person I am from a year ago?  How do I give God all the glory that is His due?

Adequate words escape me.

Looking back on a year ago from today, these are the things that constituted my circumstances:

I was frustrated with my life, not really having any direction, yet not wanting to change anything.  The fear of the unknown had reached its zenith.  

I was getting ready to leave the safety and familiarity of home to try out something new for the semester, and quite frankly, I wasn't looking forward to it.  

The depression of my high school years had continued on through my first year of college, making me highly apathetic and unmotivated in everything.  I even turned myself into a victim, letting everything bring me down.  I threw the encouragement of the people around me right back at them with a "thanks, but no thanks" mentality.

A year ago from today, I was hanging onto unhealthy attitudes and ways of thinking because they were the things I knew and was familiar with, even though I knew they needed to change.

Today, looking back, I clearly see how God turned my life around.  Where a year ago I was spiritually dry and spent, today, I am full!  Where a year ago I was drowning in self-pity, today I pray for God's help in having a better attitude and outlook on life.  Where a year ago I was apathetic, not caring about anything anymore, today I am filled with joy!  Where a year ago I was lacking in motivation and purpose, today I have hope for tomorrow.

God has shown His faithfulness towards me yet again throughout this year.  He is so good, and I am utterly thankful for His kindness in allowing me to learn and grow like never before throughout this year.

I know myself, and I know what I was 1 short year ago.  I'm here to tell you that I stand before you now a changed daughter of the King, having a clearer understanding of who my Father is.  I pray that 2013 will continue my growing period and that at the end of next year, I'll be able to tell you that I'm a completely different person then than I am today, having an even clearer understanding of my Father.

Here's to a year of growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ!  

May you have a blessed New Year!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I am a part of the "Fellowship Unashamed."  The die has been cast.  I have stepped over the line.  The decision has been made.  I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I won't look back, back up slow down, back away, or be still.  My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure.  I am finished and done with low living, sigh walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or prosperity.  I now live by presence, lean by faith, love by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.  My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear.  I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I must go until Heaven returns, give until I drop, preach until all I know, and work until He comes.  And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem recognizing me.  My colors will be clear.


Monday, November 26, 2012

problems with contentment

You know what's wrong with contentment?  It makes you love life wherever you happen to be.  It doesn't seem to matter if you're in the middle of a noisy house filled with small children or sitting by a roaring fire while watching White Christmas.  Life just sorta seems to be good no matter what!

What else is wrong with contentment?  Joy.  Don't you hate how joy manages to finagle its way into your little heart making you see the world through rose-colored glasses?  By the way, I never liked that saying.  I mean, who would want to see the world through a monotone-sepia-colored lens?  Ugh.  I prefer to see life with vibrant colors!  The kind that really pop and make your eyes behold a beauty that was once so faded.  That's what would bring joy to my heart.

But I digress.

I'm currently enjoying the peace that comes with Christmas music and softly glowing candles.  I've unpacked after my simply delightful visit home for Thanksgiving and am gearing up to tackle these last three weeks of the semester.

Beauty is the refocusing of life.

Peace is the understanding that my life is completely in God's hands.

Hope is in the knowledge that school will be over in three weeks.

Joy is in the contentment I have with the way life is right now.

God has been so good to me!  Who am I that He has decided to bless me in ways that I can't even begin to comprehend?  He is God, and God is good.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


It's so nice to be home for Thanksgiving!  10 days off of school is a pretty generous vacation if you ask me.

I got home late Thursday evening, and have been soaking in the sights, smells, and various other joys that only home can bring.

One of my favorite things about being home is getting to see a plethora of stars!  In Dallas, we get to see our star; a single sphere of light.  On clear nights we get to take in the joys that three stars can bring.  At home, however, I get to sit in my backyard next to a roaring fire (contained in the fire pit, of course) and gaze at a sky filled with stars!  Do you know how free that makes me feel?  :)

Also, being home typically means I get to indulge in a Del Cook moment or two!  Yes, ladies and gents, this means that I get to walk in after church on Sundays and instantly my olfactory senses are filled to capacity with the delightful scents of pot roast and roast vegetables.  Oh, be still my beating heart.

At this point, I'm looking forward to Wednesday when my older brother will be able to join us for Thanksgiving festivities!  I haven't seen him since August, so it will be great to catch up over turkey and green bean casserole.

And that's a real quick update of the goings on in my life.

This is Hunky Dory, signing out!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sleepy in Dallas

As I write this, my eyes are drooping shut with sleep.  It's been a long but good day, and here's a quick recap.

I got so much done school-wise today!  This is good because over the past two weeks I feel like all my focus has gone out the window, followed closely by any motivation to focus.  I'm so thankful to God for productive days!

I've found myself just randomly bursting out with a "Thank you Jesus for _____."  I've been overwhelmed with thankfulness for the small things of late.  Generally I thank Jesus for the gorgeous weather, for my awesome roommates, for warm blankets, for hot showers, etc.  Maybe getting my focus back on track is what has helped me focus again in school.

Ok, that wasn't really a recap, but you get the idea.

The time has now struck the wee hours of the morning, so I'm going to call it quits.  Good night world!  Pleasant dreams.  :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Midterms ... Again ...

I should be studying.  I should be studying.  I should be studying.

Ok, now that you know how guilty I feel about not studying at the moment, you should know that I studied all of last night and all of this morning for a midterm today, and while I justify my not studying by saying that I have already done so, all that studying is worth rot now as I should be gearing up for tomorrow's midterm.  Yes, that was one sentence, no, you shouldn't judge.

Yes, it is that twice annual event of midterms once again!  Yippee!  Oh wait, not yippee.  Yippee connotes a sense of joy and happiness with much froth.  That is not exactly the emotion I wish to strive to convey at this moment in time.

Perhaps I had better say something along the lines of... Blast!  Blast because I want to blast this midterm out of the water.  Blast because I want to communicate the strong veracital emotion with which I shall destroy this midterm.  Blast because... well... you get the point.

Tomorrow afternoon I shall be taking midterm 4 of 5.  You may be thinking to yourself, oh, well, if it's number 4 of 5, then she's already taken 3 and knows what she's doing. 

Make my insides quake with sarcastic mirth.  

This midterm that I shall be blasting left and right on the morrow is actually one for which I know not how to study!

Oh, but it'll be alright, won't it?  I mean, it can't really be that bad, can it?

Sure.  Whatever helps you dream of little lambs hopping picket fences with double rainbows glistening overhead.

And now that I have procrastinated with much laughing blasting and joy sarcastic mirth, I shall strive to make sense of various family structure development theories.  It should be great fun.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Fellowship of the Brethren

We go to church
To fellowship with the brethren
And to sit under the influence of the Holy Spirit as He works through a plurality of men

I can't tell you how blessed I am to be going to a school where every single person I pass in the hallways is a person I consider a part of my family.  It's so encouraging to be able to go to church with many of these people, and to have amazing conversations with each of them, to study alongside them, and to share meals with many of them.

I have spent many hours over the past several days in their company.  We have spent time eating dinner, watching movies, talking, and laughing together.  Yesterday morning, several went to church with me.  I love worshiping with my family!

Nothing is more encouraging than spending time with the Body of Christ.  I am bound to these people by the Holy Spirit, and even though we differ in many ways, we all agree where it counts.  Let's face it, the differences we have just add personality to our gatherings.  The world would be a boring place indeed if we all thought and acted exactly alike.

God has given me a beautiful gift, and I will give thanks for it.

Friday, August 31, 2012


It's nothing special, just a small blue building on the side of the highway nestled between apartment complexes and a law firm.  People drive by it all the time, every day.  There is nothing about it that makes it stand out.

Contained within those blue walls, however, are people who do things that make my heart break within me!  It is within those doors and hallways where women who feel like their backs are against a wall go to take care of their "problems."  These so-called problems are also some of the most precious things on this planet.

Mica and I began a mission today.  Our mission is to pray down abortion clinics, begging God for this heinous act to become extinct in America. 

We began our day in prayer together, asking God to give us boldness in our stand for righteousness.  Then we grabbed our Bibles and stood outside that blue building and prayed like never before!

At first I was nervous.  A bunch of "what if's" began swirling round in my mind.  What if someone who worked at the clinic ran us off?  What if this wasn't how we were supposed to be spending our morning?  What if this wasn't a good idea after all?  But as I began to pray, all the "what if's" melted away.  What we were doing may have looked strange to the world around us - standing there on the sidewalk by the highway, reading our Bibles, singing (at least, I was), and praying - but we are called to live by standards higher than those of the world's.

We had been praying for about a half an hour when a lady came out and introduced herself to me.  The thought that instantly popped in my head was, oh no!  Looks like we're going to have to leave now.  The confrontation, however, went quite differently than I expected.  She introduced herself, looked at my open Bible, and said, "God bless you!  Thanks for doing this!  We felt a 'bump' when y'all got here!"  I couldn't have been more astounded!

She said that she and two other people came every time the clinic had killing hours and did street counseling.  She thanked us for praying and gave us her contact information.  After that, the two with her poked around the corner and thanked us as well with smiles and God bless-es.

God encouraged me through that experience like none other.  Mica and I have decided to do an hour of prayer outside that clinic once a week.

If you would, please pray that God's will would be done!  Pray that He would provide evangelism opportunities through this, and that He would be glorified.  Also, please pray that the abomination of killing unborn babies would halt entirely!  It's a huge undertaking, but with God, all things are possible!

I will continue to pray, and I know that God will continue to become more real to not only myself, but also to those we encounter.

Soli Deo Gloria! 

Friday, August 24, 2012


"But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you: yet do it with gentleness and respect."  1 Peter 3:15

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Each semester so far has had a running theme.  Last semester, God decided it was time I learned a bit more about who it is that I serve exactly.  This semester, though only a few days into it, has not disappointed.  The new theme is that of prayer.

In chapel yesterday, our president, Dr. Johnson, told how important it is to be in constant prayer, warring for the kingdom on our knees.  In Personal Evangelism, a class I had the day before, we were told to enlist 10 people that we know to pray for us during our semester as we carry out our assignment of witnessing to 3 people.  I've also been keeping a running list in my head of things I should be praying for.

Yes, this will be a semester of prayer.  And you know what?  It excites me!  God is going to do amazing things, and the most important thing I need to be doing is talking to Him about it.

Praise the Lord, whose mercies endure forever!

Monday, August 13, 2012


"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."
 A. A. Milne

Life.  It flows along much like a stream, gliding seamlessly over its bed, waiting for no man.

In the blink of an eye, my summer has flown by.  It feels like I just fell into the welcoming arms of my family as I returned home from school.  It feels like I just began to cherish and store up all the hugs and kisses that Helen and Josiah gave me.  It feels like I just now have time to process all that I learned while I was away.

But life - ah, dear sweet life - has floated along at its usual rapid pace, and even though it seems that I have just dipped my toes in to test the waters, I've been swept so much further along the way than my brain has had time to think about.

I've spent many hours, 330 to be exact, working.  I've made guacamole, sold guacamole, stocked produce shelves, pushed carts in from the lot, bagged thousands of groceries, helped hundreds of customers to their cars, scanned thousands of groceries, returned who knows how many items, handed out who knows how many receipts, and asked the same questions every two minutes during my 6-8.5 hour shifts.

On the home-front, I've spent many hours with my sister soaking in the joys that the show "Monk" brings.  I've played multiple rounds of our family favorite, "Take 2."  I've spent a good deal of time laughing with Mom and Dad as we live up to our usual snarkiness.  I've enjoyed evenings spent with friends, catching up, seeing movies, having dinner.  I've appreciated Chik-Fil-A on their special day with a co-worker and her husband.

Even though it doesn't really feel like I've had much of a summer, I really have in all actuality.

God has allowed me some much-loved time with my family.  He has allowed me the feeling of exhaustion after working in the hot sun.  He has allowed me joy.  He has allowed me happiness and grace.  He has allowed me sanctification.  He has allowed me to share Himself with one of the families He has given me.

My friends, God has been good to me.

My heart is full - oh so full!

School starts up in a week.  If this semester is anything like the last, then I know it will be full of adventures, joys, and challenges.  But most of all, it will be a time of spiritual growth.

Somehow, it won't be any easier to say goodbye, but it will be wonderful to return to my school roots.  My heart will fill with pain again as I give my family one last hug and one last kiss.  It will be bittersweet when I insert my key into the lock at my apartment for the first time this semester.

My heart will ache with the pain of farewell, but will swell with joy as I say hello.

And so, I will continue to float down this river called life, and I will continue to be kept inside His will.

It has been a good summer, and I know that it will be a great fall as well.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Packing, packing, packing

Here I am again, frantically making a packing list of all the things I may ever need during the semester.  As things pop up in my brain, I write them down.  *Sigh*  There's so much that has to get done before school starts.  There are errands to be run, things to be packed, an apartment to be moved into, notes to be written, etc., etc., etc.  Time to get right back into it.  :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bound by Love

We're siblings.  Three people obviously from the same family -- mannerisms, humor, values, interests -- and we've got the memories to prove it.

I remember one time Mom instructed the three of us to study together for our history exam.  We holed ourselves up in Zach and Luke's room and "studied" hard.  Haha, who am I kidding?  We spent the whole time spouting off our favorite movie quotes, mimicking each other, and laughing!  Haha, such great memories!  For those of you concerned, I do believe the average grade on that test was a 98.  :P

Zach, I never told you before, but all through high school, I was competing with you grades-wise.  Yes, every single Spanish, history, vocabulary, and economics test we ever took together, I wanted to beat you!  Unfortunately, that was rarely the case.  ;)  Without knowing it, you pushed me to do well!

Luke, you kept me wanting to whap you over the head with my notebook during history discussions!  :P  Mom's nickname for you, Prez, fits you well indeed.  You're going to go far and will make some drastic (and much-needed) changes in this country.  I fully believe you will have a huge impact on this world.

At the end of August, Zachary will be headed to Longview to continue his education in Air Traffic Control Management.

I'll be headed to Dallas to continue studying for Biblical Studies with a focus in Counseling.

Luke will be headed north to Michigan for his college career where he'll be pursuing a degree in Political Science.

We're siblings, obviously from the same family, but headed in three very different directions ... but with the common bond of the Holy Spirit.

What hurts the most is that our days of being each others constant companions has officially come to a close.  We're all moving on, pursuing adventures all our own.  Rarely now will our stories overlap.  But that's okay.  This is how it needs to be.  And you know what?  We'll always be friends.  Always.

I praise God for my family and how He graciously allowed us the friendship with each other that we have.  God is good, so very good, even through bittersweet moments of growing up and doing what we have been called to do.

Friday, July 20, 2012


My fellow tent-setter-upper and I.  This guy was a trooper!

So, two days ago, I did the unthinkable.  I took 4 of my younger siblings, by myself, camping.  Yes, my friends, camping.  Actually, 3 of them were very responsible and were not a problem.  Only the youngest of them, Miss Talkalot, was a bit of a handful.

Not sure why we bothered with a clothesline since we were ALWAYS
in the water!  :P

However, we did have a good time, getting lots and lots and lots and lots and ..... okay, you get the point .... we got lots of swimming in.  :)

We enjoyed a gorgeous sunset, a gorgeous morning, and great outdoor weather all-around, unless you wanted to sleep, in which case the stillness and heat did nothing to summon a quickness to slumber.  But other than waking up about once an hour to silence Miss Talkalot, buy a cold drink from the vending machine for a certain over-heated brother, and calm a scared-just-had-a-nightmare sister, I had a great night's sleep!

The first night, we gathered kindling, and built a legit fire.  I was able to make
some scrambled eggs for supper, and then we all had fun roasting marshmellows and eating s'mores.  The next day, however, we were so tired that we just showered charcoal in lighter fluid, lit a match, and tried to cook our hot dogs before the flames went out.  Much lighter fluid was used in the making of lunch.

After that, we swam for another couple of hours, packed up camp, and headed home with what I'd like to think as an added healthy glow to our skin, but what Mom would like to say was closer to sunburn than anything else.  Difference in opinions, that is all.

The little people enjoying the water

We had fun, but I think I'll wait for a time when the WHOLE family can go camping next time.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Fun!

Yes, it's summer, and yes, that means wanting to go out and do crazy things and make lots of fun and awesome memories along the way.  Here are a few family friendly things I've done while NOT going broke.  :D

These first two are for those of you who live in the Austin area:

1.  Pack all the kids up and head down to the Arboretum.  I took several of my younger siblings and they had a blast climbing on the cows and playing around the pond.  Finish up with a quick stop at McDonald's and call it a day!

2.  Enjoy the annual summer musical at Zilker Park!  This year they're doing The Sound of Music, and let me just say that the set is AweSome, the actors are GreaT, and they do an AmaZing job!  The best part about this?  It's absolutely FREE!  So go find some hole-in-the-wall restaurant downtown before the show and have a wonderful evening!  You may want to get there early, though, because it can be hard to find good seats on the hillside if you have a large number of people with you.

3.  This one you can do anywhere, really.  All you need is about $10 (depending on your number of "victims") and a couple of blindfolds.  I blindfolded three of my sisters, ushered them into the van, drove around several neighborhoods (so they'd get good and turned around) and then headed Sonic.  Of course, I parked in front of the CVS Pharmacy (after making them promise to keep the blindfolds on as they sat in the car) and walked over to Sonic so they couldn't hear me order our cherry limeades!  So much stinkin' fun (especially trying to drive with them on my lap :P ).

4.  Go camping!  If a campsite doesn't work out, set up a tent in the backyard, get a fire going in the fire pit, make s'mores, tell creepy stories, and then find a place to go hiking the next day.  Booya!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hmmm, Life

I ordered my textbooks for the fall semester.  Ouch!

But I got to spend the weekend with Esther, so it was okay.  :)

Someday, I'll be able to have a summer where I won't have to work and I can just play and read and hang out all day every day.  But until then, I'll just enjoy the place God has me and try to pour into my coworkers as much as He allows.  God is good.  All the time.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Pictures of my lovely family

If you're on facebook, then you've probably already seen these, but I felt that my blog was completely devoid of picturehood, and so, here they are.  And because it is my blog, after all, you shouldn't complain.  ;)

....  The end ....

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Loves

Pictured l-r, children #'s: 6, 10, 7, 9, and 5

Have I mentioned that I love these guys?  Well I do.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Quiet Evening at Home

It's evening
The sun is setting
The temperature is cooling

Zach Boy is in the backyard playing soccer with Ethan
Grace and Luke are sitting quietly on the couches in the family room, each lost in their own little world
Dad is in his study, typing away furiously at his sermon which he must deliver tomorrow morning

The smell of leftover dinner fills all of the downstairs as it has yet to be put away
Mom is summoning some of the little ones upstairs for bedtime rituals
Helen starts in with the first of what will be many excuses as to why she should still be up

The wind is blowing the trees
Jacob is bantering with Zach Boy
The lights are starting to flip on all throughout the house

This. This is what I love.
This.  This is home.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Growth Spurt

I'm a pretty happy person most of the time.  I like to be happy, and I take pleasure in finding the joy to be had in the small things of life.  I think most people who know me would agree with that assessment...
...except of course, my family, who knows me better.

A few weeks ago, God brought me to my knees in shame and anguish.  I felt utterly unworthy of life as I stood aside and allowed my pride and selfishness to take control.  Not only did I make the lives of those I lived with miserable, all 11 of them, but I also managed to make myself miserable.  God allowed me to see myself as the miserable wretch that I was.  I felt legitimate pain when I looked in the mirror each morning.

One evening, after a particularly awful day, I melted into a sobbing mess of desperation and contriteness as Mom and I had a rather unpleasant heart-to-heart (but one which I am very grateful we had!).

I remember, after saying all there was to be said,  crying out, "But why does it have to be so HARD???"  Mom just looked at me, and with the wisdom that only comes from a lifetime of experience, said to me, "they're growing pains.  They hurt, but, if you really learn from this, they'll make you grow and mature in a way that never would have happened if you never went through it."

My heart ached within me.

I knew I had seriously messed up, and from where I sat, there was no getting out of it.  I would feel the weight of my guilt pressing in on me until the day I died.

My heart voiced its frustration along with the Apostle Paul:  "For I do not understand my own actions, for I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate,"  and again, "So I find it that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand.  For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the sin that dwells in my members.  Wretched man that I am!  Who will deliver me from this body of death?"  (Romans 7:15, 21-24)

But I failed to factor in grace.  God's grace.

Yes, it is a seriously challenging ordeal to have to walk barefoot over sharp rocks under the cover of darkness on the path of faith, but the thankfulness and constant state of worship are worth it at the other side.

There are still some things I have to learn and take to heart, but God is faithful.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the faith that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Sunsets and Hillsides

The wind blows, rippling through my hair.  I look up and see the branches of trees, their spiny fingers holding up small, rounded leaves, making an archway above me.  Ahead of me is a beautiful sunset just beginning its graceful fall behind the hill I am walking up.  The grass is green and about as high as my knee.  There is a sprinkling of  wildflowers.  On the other side of the hillside lies a sort of valley.  In the center of this valley rests an uneven oval shaped pond with bulrushes springing up along the edges.  It is quiet and peaceful in this place.  This is where I come to be alone with God.  This is where my heart sings and where my mind is completely focused on the One who made me and this beautiful place.

This....  this is my picture of paradise

Friday, June 8, 2012


When the stars burn down and the earth wears out

And we stand before the throne
With the witnesses who have gone before
We will rise and applaud

When the hands of time wind fully down
And the earth is rolled up like a scroll
The trumpets will call and the world will fall
To its knees as we all go home

Everybody I know who I've talked to about heaven simply laughs
They laugh as they see me start to bounce up and down
They laugh when as my voice gradually begins to escalate into a squeal

So, let 'em laugh!

What can I say?  The thought of heaven excites me!
...but it also sobers me...

What will be more wonderful, beautiful, and awesome (in every sense of the word) than finally getting to meet Jesus, my Savior, for the first time, face to face?

On the other hand, what will be more fearsome, knowing that I am only there by His grace

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face...

What could be more breath-taking than the experience of looking into my Savior's beautiful eyes, knowing that He is the one I've been serving all my life?

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known...

I honestly don't know what I'll do when I find myself in His all-consuming presence.

There will come a day, standing face to face
In a moment we will be like him
He will wipe our eyes dry, and take us up to his side
And forever we will be his

Singing blessing and honor, glory and power
Forever to our God!

Will I kneel, worshiping at His feet, gazing into His eyes, seeing His face light up as I sing His praises?  Or will I all of a sudden be very aware of just how unworthy I am to be in the same room with Him, and lay prostrate, my face planted firmly in the ground, fear rising up within me?

Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing "Hallelujah," will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine...

Yes, one day my Prince will come and rescue me from the bondage of this world.  And yes, I will have my happily ever after.  I am very excited about that day, not knowing what to expect, except for the fact that I know it will be an experience like none other.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

When Life Just Happens

I pounded the steering wheel in frustration and anger.

I shouted at no one, ready to cry.  I couldn't remember being quite this angry in a looooong time.

Why, God?  Why?

Two of the things I loathe most in this world are disappointing people and being late.  I dislike going back on my word, I dislike not carrying out a responsibility that was expected of me, and I greatly dislike showing up at a given place 2 minutes after I'm supposed to be there.

This morning I was supposed to get re-certified to sell alcohol and tobacco for my job as a checker at the grocery store.  It's good for two years, and my two years were up last month.  Not that I minded much.  What can I say?  I much prefer the freedom of movement that the jobs of bagging, pushing carts, and running returns bring as opposed to being cooped up at a single register for 8 hours.  Oh no, I didn't mind the expiration of certification at all.

Buuut, my managers prefer having as many checkers on hand as possible, and so back to my AST I was to go.  At least, that was the plan.

Instead, I got hopelessly lost because a certain site on which one can obtain directions completely went bonkers and left me going in circles.

I may not have wanted to get re-certified, meaning I could get stuck at a check stand at the drop of a hat, but I certainly didn't want to disappoint my managers by not showing up to said class.  And so, I gave it a try, even when the clock in Big Blue read 14 after (they don't let you in a single minute after the time you're supposed to arrive).


I. Was. Mad.

When I got home, I went on an angry run, trying to pound away my frustration one footfall after the other.  It didn't work.  I got home still blazing mad!

It just continued to eat away at me that I let my managers down and that I was so beyond late that I eventually just turned around and went home, not even showing up to say that I did indeed make an effort to get there.

Oh goodness.

Letting these types of things go is NOT a strength of mine.

The good news?  God is still in control.

Even though I let down the people I love, God is still in control.

Even though I never show up at all, God is still in control.

This lesson is a hard one for me to learn, but God is still in control.

Amen and amen.  God is good.  ALL the time.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

That's What Summer's For!

The kids screaming, phone ringing
Dog barking at the mailman
That stack of bills - overdue
Good morning, baby, how are you?
Got a half hour, quick shower
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
My funny face makes you laugh
Twist the top on and put it back
There goes the washing machine
Baby, don't kick it.
I promise I'll fix it
Long about a million other things

As I sit here typing this, Jodo is screaming, Helen is going back and forth between trying in vain to tickle me and pestering me with lots of random questions while Grace is playing away at the piano.  All these things are harmonizing with the sounds and smells of the currently-being-prepared supper!

Who am I kidding?  The Shoe -- my affectionate nickname for our home -- is filled with chaos!  But in the words of one of my favorite country artists, Phil Vassar, it's just another day in Pardise!  This is what summer is for!

Well, it's okay, it's so nice
Just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise

Oh me oh my, I absolutely adore my family, but I have to remind myself of that when the noise gets to be just a bit much.  ;)

This summer I'm looking forward to coffee dates with siblings and parents, Monk marathons, trips out of state, reading for fun, pick-up soccer games in the backyard, sleeping til noon, eating good food, staying up late into the night watching movies with Luke, listening to great country music, and swimming laps at the pool.  Yes, it's gonna be a great summer around work.  =)

Here's to a great summer and all the noise that goes with it!

Just another day in Paradise!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Things of Note

-  Don't just up and leave without telling anyone where you're going or even that you're going.  The family doesn't seem to appreciate it.
- I bought myself a book of all the "Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe" today for $7.  I was pleased with myself.
-  Running in the rain is a glorious thing, but running in the midst of a thunderstorm is quite another story.
-  Tickle fights are the best way to induce laughter in small children.
-  Driving one's own self around is quite refreshing after having to rely on the goodwill of kind friends for the past 4 months.
-  Nothing makes you feel like a worse person than not officially being back at work and already having to ask off.
-  Going out with one's mother for coffee and telling her everything that is laying heavily on one's heart is quite cathartic.
-  Getting to take a nap at any time of the day is absolutely wonderful!  Nowhere to be and no one that needs seeing.
-  God is good.  Life is good.  If you haven't experienced either of these things, you should try changing your perspective.  It's worth it.  :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And That's a Wrap!

Well, school's over and I arrived home at 4 a.m. on Monday morning.  As you can imagine, I spent much of the day sleeping and being loved on by my brothers and sisters.  I'll miss Dallas with a passion, but I know that there is still life to be lived here at home.  There are jobs to be worked, people to catch up with, home cooked meals to consume, music to listen to, games to be played, sun to get, pools in which to swim, and graduations to attend.  And that's only the month of May!

In June, Lord willing, I'll be driving up to Minnesota with part of the family and help cheer Luke and Eliza on as they compete in the national speech and debate tournament.  I've been watching their progress from afar this year, and I can't tell you how proud I am of my brother and sister!  They've both given their utmost, and even though Regionals was just last week, they've already set their noses to the grindstone in preparation for Nationals.  I'm so happy for them!

As far as work goes, I'm applying for a part time position in the produce department, and I'm throwing up the idea of applying at either Gap  (so I can work with Luke) or Barnes and Noble (where books and coffee abound).  Also, I'd love to spend a good portion of time volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center.  God has given me a heart for children, both born and unborn, and I'd love to be able to do something in that area.

In other news, I'll be praying alongside my awesome Worldview Academy staffers, knowing they'll do a fantastic job with their small groups, giving all glory to God.  I wish more than anything that I could be right there with them, but I also understand that that's not where God wants me this year.  It was one of the hardest decisions I've made, but I trust His flawless plan.

And I think that about sums up life right now!  I'd love to hang out with y'all while I'm home, but just know that I need two weeks notice so I can ask off of work.  ;)

May God guide and bless the paths you take this summer!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Wootness!  I have completed every last bit of required reading for the semester (that's over 1,500 pages worth of material [roughly reminiscent of high school, if you ask me ;) ]), decimated three finals, written two book reviews, given a presentation, and memorized passages of Scripture.

I've soaked up way more sun than I usually have at this time of year, seen more movies over the past three months than I usually see over the span of 5 years; I've eaten more bananas than ever, run more consistently than I have since my junior year of high school, grown my hair longer than it's been in years, grown much closer to God than I've ever been, and found yet another extension to my family.

Now all that's left is to study for one last final, pack up and move back to Cedar Park, drive back up and help celebrate at the wedding of a beloved roommate, work for a medical seminar, drive back home in time for my little brother's high school graduation, attend another wedding, figure out a way to get involved in a crisis pregnancy center, then go back to my old job punching in PLU codes and pushing carts in the hot summer sun.

These are exciting times.  Stay tuned...  :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's 1:30 a.m. ...

...which means it's time for me to write another blog post!  :P  I realized that I haven't exactly kept up with my blogging since my move to Dallas.

First off, I just want to say that God is good!  He has been gracious and merciful time and time again this semester!  He has provided in areas where He really didn't have to (ask me about it sometime), and has really been magnified in my eyes.  The ultimate goal of my move here was that He would be magnified, and He hasn't disappointed.  I can't tell you how often my heart has been filled to overflowing over the past couple of months!

On a slightly random note, did you know that it's possible to worship while working out?  Seriously.  I went on a run the other evening, worship music blaring in my ears, pony tail swishing back and forth (which I actually find more annoying than anything else, just fyi).  My heart sang praises to my Savior, thanking Him for the wonder of movement, the creation of oxygen, and oh the glory of sweat (I was telling my roommate the other day that it just doesn't feel like a workout unless I'm soaked)!  Yes.  I love Jesus, and I love exercise, so why on earth not spend some Jesus/Alex time while running?

My eyes are trying to droop shut as I write this, but I've got so much studying to do that  I think I'm just going to tell them "NO," make a pot of coffee, and get back to it!  Haha!

God is good.  Life is good.  :)

Love y'all!

Monday, April 9, 2012

An Issue of Trust

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  ~ Matthew 6:19-21

Why is it so hard for us to keep our focus heavenward?  Why isn't it the case that as soon as we profess belief in Jesus Christ, we can suddenly overlook the troubles of this world and build up our heavenly storehouses?  Why is it so easy for us, like Peter with the waves crashing around him, to take our eyes from the Prize - that is Christ - and to put our dependency on the tangible things surrounding us?

It is my firm belief that we stray so far from straight and narrow at times because we've never seen, touched, or experienced in any way the treasures of heaven that Jesus promises.  What have we experienced?  Accolades from Man.  What does that entail?  We get our name in the paper.  We have books written about us and movies portraying how we rose from the ashes to climb the ladder of success.  People covet our autographs and desire to get their picture with us; people we've never even met and have a 99.99% chance of never seeing again.

It is an issue of trust.

It was lack of trust in Jesus that made Thomas doubt the reports he had heard of the resurrection.  Jesus revealed Himself to Thomas, but here's what He said, "Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." ~ John 20:29  Who is blessed?  Those who believe in Christ - that is, putting their trust in Him - without physically seeing Him.  It is because of their trust that they believe, and it is because of a lack of trust that we stray from the path set before us.

When we were little, my siblings and I were forbidden to ask "why," when Mom or Dad asked us to do something.  We wanted the reasoning behind it, but they required obedience; immediate obedience with no questions asked.  Oftentimes certain things they'd ask us to do wouldn't make sense to our young minds, however, we had no choice but to trust that Mom and Dad knew what they were talking about.  It wasn't until much later, when we matured a bit, that things began falling into place, making perfect sense.

I desire to be a disciple of Christ that trusts Him so much that I'd be willing to do anything for Him, no questions asked.  I have to understand that I don't always get to know the why behind a situation, but that I just have to do it because it is what He requires of me.  It's not going to be easy, but I'm told the reward is worth it.  :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Before the Throne of God Above

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong, a perfect plea
The great high priest whose name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me
My name is graven on His hands
My name is written on His heart
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the Just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Behold Him there the risen Lamb
My perfect spotless righteousness
The great unchangeable I Am
The King of Glory and of Grace
One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high
With Christ my Savior and my God
With Christ my Savior and my God!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In the Presence

My hands flailed wildly as I tried in vain to illustrate the way I felt.

How do you even begin to describe something that perplexes your spirit?
How do you put into words something that blows your mind?

I was lost in conversation with a friend.  We were originally talking about some painful circumstances going on around us, and for some reason I can't explain, the moment the conversation got to the most painful portion, God awakened my heart to His love.  I was overwhelmed!

All of a sudden, I felt very unworthy, and I wanted nothing more than to break down and cry.

I had the sudden urge to lay prostrate before my Savior!  What kind of love drives you to do something like that?  What kind of love brings you to your knees in utter consternation?

Now, I know Jesus, but one thing I simply can't wrap my mind around is why He took a brutal scourging for me.  Or why He tried to carry that cross beam on His freshly wounded back for me.  Or why He lay there in submission as wicked looking nails were driven into the thick flesh of His palms and the bones of His feet... for me!!!

I heard it once said that if someone were to sacrifice their life for me, could I doubt that they loved me?

I don't doubt the love of my Lord, what I don't understand is why

"What is man, that you are mindful of him, or the son of man, that you care for him?"  Hebrews 2:6

I mean, do you know who Jesus is???  This same Jesus redeemed my soul from hell and brought me into His presence. Into His presence???  Does He not realize what I am???  My mind continues to be blown. 

"He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.  After making purification for our sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs." Hebrews 1:3-4

My eyelids began to blink rapidly.  I was awestruck as all of a sudden salvation became much more precious to me, and something I promised Jesus I would never take for granted.

"For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering."  Hebrews 2:10

Thank You, Jesus, for being who You are and for rescuing me from myself, even though I can't quite wrap my mind around Your love.

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from his reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

Saturday, March 17, 2012

With Abandon

He wants some angry young men
With fire in their eyes
Ones who understand what Jesus gave
Ones who have grown weary of the world and all its lies
Ones who won't forget they've been delivered from the grave
Rest assured when Jesus comes again
He'll be looking for some angry young men

If you love Jesus, shouldn't you feel some fire, some hint of passion, to share Him with others?  Shouldn't there be a niggling in the back of your head, a prick in your soul, telling you to live a life that compels people to ask what's different about you?

That's just it, these things should be the case.

Unfortunately, most of us want to hide in our shells of conformity and remain unnoticed by the world around us.  We don't want to cause a stir, and we most certainly don't want to draw attention to the way we live our lives.

We often make excuses as to why we don't live any differently today than we did 10 years ago when we first accepted Christ.

You'll be tempted, tried, and tested
There'll be wars the devil wins
But God's love is not a license to lie there in your sins
He understands the human heart
His mercy is complete
But his grace is not intended
As a place to wipe your feet
Rest assured when Jesus comes again
He'll be looking for some angry young men

So where is the passion, my friends?  If the love of God has truly gotten a hold of you, your life should be shaken upside down, never reverting to your old ways.  Passion should drive you onward!  His love should spur you on to do the right thing, never becoming complacent.  Don't compromise what you believe just to make your unsaved friends feel comfortable.  Christianity is uncomfortable, always pushing you outside your comfort zone, forcing you to walk the straight and narrow, cutting yourself on sharp, jagged rocks.

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter by the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

If you draw the line at discomfort, your faith will be short lived.
In fact, one might even question your salvation.

Romans 12:2, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

As Christians, we should be on fire for God!  We should care about speaking the Truth, tempered with love.  There should be a spark in our eye as we speak about God.

So let's chase after God with abandon, leaving nothing on the table, so that on Judgement Day we will get to hear proceeding out of our Master's mouth those beautiful words, "well done, good and faithful servant."

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Almost 11 O'clock...

...which means it's time for me to write a little something with enough meaning for you, as the reader, to interpret my pithy post properly.  I hope that you are familiar enough with the English norms of language so that you can understand what I'm trying to impart to you.  Please, don't take anything I'm saying out of context,  but determine the subject matter, and go from there.

As you most likely surmised from the above paragraph, yes, I'm studying for my Hermeneutics mid-term.  So many terms, phrases, and topics to memorize!  But it will be good, especially if I have good recall on test day.  ;)  Pray for me, though, because it's a multiple choice exam, and I have the awful tendency to waaaaaay over think such things, making a plausible case for 3 out of the 4 possible answers.  I really can't tell you how badly I want to get an A in this class, so I've got a great amount of studying to do.

On top of that, I've got lots of reading and researching to do for two of my other classes, which are both fantastic, and then a bibliography for one and a book review for another.  Though the last two items aren't due til the last day of class, I'd really like to get a head start on them so I won't be worried about starting/finishing those while studying for finals.

Other than that, I've also got a mid-term in my New Testament Survey class.  I'm thoroughly enjoying this one!  So many great historical background informational bits that help to piece together the gospel to make it that much more beautiful.  God is so good!  :D

So that's life in a nutshell.  Lots of studying, planned breaks of studying (Six Flags on Saturday), and school and church events on the horizon.

On a totally unrelated thread, my roommate reminded me that next Thursday is the last day of class before Spring Break!!!  I had completely lost track of time and was expecting at least another week of school between mid-terms and a week long break, so this was a glorious realization.  It's been 2.5 months since I've seen home and family, so as you can imagine, I'm itching to get back!

May God bless y'all as you go about your week!  :D 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

who do You worship?

This is by far my absolute favorite worship song of the year 2012!  I know, it's only February, but guys,  this song really just describes who God is, and it excites me as well as humbles me.  It puts me in my place as I realize where His is.  My soul can't help but worship when I listen to this song!  God is SO good, y'all!  I just wish everybody could experience the joy and peace of knowing my Father!  Go, spread the gospel to those around you as you live your daily, mundane -- or exciting -- lives.  If you are filled with His love, surely you don't want to hold it all to yourself!

Be selfless with your life and learn how to share!  If you have a piece of wonderful news, you're going to want to spread it!  God's love, grace, and awesomeness are too much to just keep to ourselves!  Now let's get out there and show the world WHO HE IS!!!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Thankfulness Part 4

31.  My dad!
32.  Deep conversations
33.  Easy and relaxed weekends
34.  A strong church
35.  A hot mug of coffee and a warm blanket
36.  Reminiscing about family and home
37.  Talking with God  =)
38.  The sound of rain pounding against the roof
39.  Sloshing through puddles in the parking lot
40.  Singing along while the radio is turned up LOUD

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Fact:  I spent 9 hours writing and stylizing a book review today
Fact:  Food is tastier when hungry
Fact:  God is good, all the time
Fact:  When I found out Luke hit a tree with the van, I laughed.  Really hard.
Fact:  I have the tendency to adopt people (I just adopted my first daughter last week, but only just informed her today)
Fact:  I have been adopted by one of my roommates and her boyfriend as their daughter
Fact:  Losing your debit card, while quite awful when caught up in the moment, actually forces you to spend less money, so may be an act of Providence

And there you have it!  A short list of the things I have been occupied with for the past couple of days.  Life is good.  :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Excerpts of "Boethius"

To other animals ignorance of themselves is natural; in men it is a fault.  How plainly and how widely do you err by thinking that anything can be adorned by ornaments that belong to others!  Surely that cannot be.


Wherefore honor comes not to virtue from holding office, but comes from virtues there practiced.


If death can carry away happiness, the whole race of mortals is sinking into wretchedness to be found upon the border of death.  But we know that many have sought the enjoyment of happiness not only by death, but even by sorrow and sufferings: how then can the presence of this life make us happy, when its end cannot make us unhappy?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

These Things Take Time

I wanna know why pain makes me stronger
I wanna know why good men die
Why am I so afraid of the dark
But I stray from the Light?

I wanna know why You gave me eyes
When faith is how I see
And tell me is it easier to doubt
Or harder to believe?

Oh, there's so many questions stirring in me

And I wonder why
Sometimes the truth ain't easy to find?
I wanna know all the answers
But I'm learning that these things take time
Yeah, these things take time

How could success make us feel like failures?
And the harder we fall the harder we try
The more I have the more I need
Just to feel like I'm getting by

Oh, there's so many questions and one short life

And I'm wondering why
Sometimes the truth ain't easy to find
I wanna know all the answers
But I'm learning that these things take time
Yeah, these things take time

And we spend so much time chasing our tails
Hoping to find every last answer to everything in life
So many questions, not enough time

But I'm still wondering why
Sometimes the truth ain't easy to find
I wanna know all the answers
But I'm learning that these things take time
Yeah, these things take time

Hey, we all wanna understand why
Evil lives and good men die
On the way to heaven the truth unwinds
These things take time
These things take time
Yeah, these things take time
~ Sanctus Real

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thankfulness Part 3

21.  "Soul Sister"
22.  Getting back into the exercise
23.  Getting internet installed
24.  Hermeneutics
25.  Water
26.  Comfy couches to crash on
27.  "Haven't Met You Yet"
28.  The rodeo
29.  Eating pie
30.  Listening to music with Mica

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


No, I'm not going through a hard time, I just really like this song! :D So beautiful, so sincere, so real.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thankfulness Part 2

11.  Having the most number of textbooks for one semester than I've ever had, but paying the less for them than I ever have
12.  Naps
13.  Beautiful weather
14.  Running trails 2 minutes away from home
15.  Hot showers
16.  Work/study jobs
17.  Good books
18.  Clean clothes
19.  Email conversations
20.  Phone calls where Dad sets it on speaker phone so the whole family can be all together again

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thankfulness Part 1

1.  A roof over my head
2.  Great roommates
3.  A very cool New Testament professor
4.  Having Big Lots right across the street, easy walking distance
5.  Country music
6.  Tuna sandwiches
7.  A soft mattress
8.  Proverbs
9.  Spending time on the 1,200 acre cattle ranch
10.  Feeding a baby cow  (way cool!)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I, Wisdom

I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.  The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil.  Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.  I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength.  By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just; by me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.  I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.  Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness.  My fruit is better than gold, even fine gold, and my yield than choice silver.  I walk in the way of righteousness, in the paths of justice, granting an inheritance to those who love me, and filling their treasuries.

Proverbs 8:12-21

Friday, January 13, 2012


Wow!  I can't believe I've already been in my new home for 6 days!  When did this happen?  Whatever happened to the whole "I'm just gonna stay at home, attend UT, and work at HEB" plan?  And here I am.

It didn't really sink in that I was going to stay here until Luke and my parents drove away.  It was rough, but I told myself to get over it, because this will be my home for at least the next 4.5 months, so I'd better learn to like it real quick.  :)

The day after I moved in, I caught a ride to church with one of my roommates, and directly afterwards, we headed over the house of a very kind family from the church.  We spent the entire day over there, cooking and getting the house ready for other members of the church to come over.  Hanging out with a family in a real home was exactly what I needed that day.  Isn't it funny how God knew that?  ;)

I've been keeping semi-busy, what with going to the school for work/study interviews (I'll be working in the library twice a week), making school and rent payments, and tagging along with my roommates to some of their various activities.  Last night was probably my favorite evening so far as we hung out in one of the guys' apartments that is in our same complex.  They made dinner, and then we watched America's Funniest Videos, talked, laughed, and just enjoyed being around other people.  Let's face it, having connections definitely helps it feel more home-like.  :)

Well, to wrap up, here's a list of the books I'll be studying for the next couple of months (I'm very excited!) :

  • 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible
  • God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible
  • Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible
  • Jesus: A Very Short Introduction
  • The New Testament in Antiquity: A Survey of the New Testament within its Cultural Context
  • After You Believe
  • Imitation of Christ
  • Letters Along the Way
  • True Spirituality
And that's all for now!  May God bless you as you go throughout your wonderful day!  :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's an Adventure!

"It's an adventure!  It's exciting!  You get to do something new, something you've never done before!  So study on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  Go to class, do well, then go do something fun on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays!  You'll love it!"

Oh Esther, this is just what I needed.  Thanks for the encouragement and the building up of excitement, because until I talked to you, it was just something I'd have to walk through.  Now, it's a whole new realm of possibilities.  :)

Criswell, here I come!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Have a Shelter

I have a shelter in the storm
When troubles pour upon me
Though fears are rising like a flood
My soul can rest securely
O Jesus, I will hide in You
My place of peace and solace
No trial is deeper than Your love
That comforts all my sorrows

I have a shelter in the storm
When all my sins accuse me
Though justice charges me with guilt
Your grace will not refuse me
O Jesus, I will hide in You
Who bore my condemnation
I find my refuge in Your wounds
For there I find salvation

I have a shelter in the storm
When constant winds would break me
For in my weakness, I have learned
Your strength will not forsake me
O Jesus, I will hide in You
The One who bears my burdens
With faithful hands that cannot fail
You’ll bring me home to heaven

~Sovereign Grace Music

Monday, January 2, 2012

On your marks!


My set departure for Criswell College is fast approaching!  At first I was taken a bit off guard after I found out I have to be there sooner than originally expected, but I've finally resigned myself to it.  ;)

My last day of work was Saturday.  It was rough saying goodbye to my work family, but I'm not quite finished yet.  I've still got to say goodbye to my peeps in produce, grocery, and dairy!  And there were a few people on the front end who weren't there Saturday.  (Zach just rolls his eyes when he hears that I know everybody in the store.  He likes to keep himself to the front end, and that's it.  :P)  Yesterday I drove around to various parts of the state to say goodbye to some friends who I won't see again til May.  They're all near and dear to my heart, and I can't wait to see them when I get back!

Today I've been spending some time cleaning up my room and making a mental note of what I still need to buy before I'm completely ready.  It seems to be a list a mile long that continues to grow every time I sit down.

I decided today that I'll bring 3 Bibles with me:  two will be my huge attack Bibles (one ESV study Bible, and the other a NASB word study Bible) and my easier-to-handle-no-frills ESV.

I am excited about finally having the chance to try my hand in the kitchen!  For Christmas I got a casserole cookbook, and I'll be spending some serious time copying down some of my favorite recipes from home.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it all.  Yeah, I'll probably end up doing simple things most of the time, like microwave dinners, but I'm vowing to do at least one good, home cooked meal a week.  At least, that's the plan for now....

And there you have it -- a crazy, random-yet-somewhat-connected post about the things that have been keeping me occupied.