"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 1: Left Behind

Yesterday I stood in the driveway, watching as my van vanished around the corner.  My entire family, save myself and two of my brothers, drove away to visit extended family in various parts of the country.  It felt unfair to be left behind, but I knew that I couldn't justify asking off of work for another couple of weeks so soon after already having substantial time off.

It was so strange yesterday, what with the house being so quiet and all.  There was no pitter-patter of little feet running about the place, and no squeals of laughter filling the house with life.  The house was deathly still.  I realized something that morning.  Houses don't automatically become homes just because that's where you lay your head at night when you go to sleep.  No, a house becomes a home when life is present there.  Laughter, tears, joy, pain, conversation, arguing, joking ... all of this I was missing yesterday.

It was so strange to be left in silence yesterday morning.  Zach left for work first thing, Luke was asleep, and I was left to my own devices.  It was then, in the ear-splitting silence, that I realized just how long these next couple of weeks are going to be.

I woke Luke up, needing someone to interact with, and we went to the bank, Ikea, then finally the Arboretum.    I just love hanging out with my brothers, but it's hard to find a time when all three of us are off of work with no other plans for the day.  Luke and I got to enjoy some great time together!  Last night, when we were all back from work and class, we hung out ... just like normal.

Yes, if I had to be left behind at some other time, it would have to be with Zach and Luke all over again.  :)


  1. I just love reading your writing, Alex. Your insights bless me, daughter dear! See you sooooonnnn!!!

  2. This blesses me so much! I love your heart. I get chill bumps just thinking about how God is going to use you. I pray Ava Beth will have a heart like you for her siblings. I watched you with your brothers at church on Sunday, and I was blessed. You are speaking to others without even knowing it. My family is so blessed by yur family.
