"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Sunday, January 16, 2011

On the Subject of Friends

I have to thank God for this past Christmas break. Why? Because I was able to spend some time with Zach. While we had a nice relationship before, I don't believe we ever had the friendship factor that is now in place. We've had some heart-to-heart talks in the past month that I wouldn't trade for the world! I opened up to him about things that I never thought I would ever share to another living soul. God truly brought us closer together, and I am now blessed to call Zachary one of my closest and best friends.

Today I was missing my older brother, and then I heard this song on the radio. It encouraged me to keep on, and understand that there's a reason for everything. God has a plan for our separation, and though I don't know what it is yet, He is going to help me through this season.


  1. Hey girl! I know what you mean! I'm not with my sister (and dearest friend) right now and probably won't be for most of my life as she lives overseas with her family. Separation is SO difficult, but God DOES have a plan. A marvelous, amazing plan. Keep holding on, girl! :)
    Love you, friend!

  2. Aww... :-) *smiles happily* Love that song too!
