"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to Win Friends and Influence People .... My Way: Part 1

I like people.  I like people a lot.  I love to be out among them, to talk to them, and to watch them.  There's something fascinating about human-beings.  Could it simply be that they are a part of God's marvelous creation? Or do I gain fascination because I see how each person has their own story to tell with their own unique personality and quirks?

Being a people person, I must admit that I like being on everybody's good side.  However, I don't try to alter who God made me in order to be perceived differently by each person I come into contact with.  I try very hard to have the kind of integrity that it takes to be a Christian, instead of being one kind of person when I'm around this friend and one kind of person with another.  It's hard at times, but I have found that it is possible to maintain the character that God has given me while interacting with all kinds of people.

One of the things I like to do while talking to others is to quickly discover a favorite hobby or interest that they have, and then get them to tell me all about it.  After all, people are more willing to talk when it's about something they are familiar with.  In this way, I get to learn not only about a unique hobby, but also more about the person I'm dealing with.

Recently I started a conversation with a guy at work.  I found that he loves old movies, and when he learned that I have a mutual interest, we talked for the rest of our lunch about favorite actors and favorite movies.  We tried to find movies that the other hasn't seen so we could loan them back and forth and get caught up.  Today he told me that he was excited to find someone who shared his passion.

I've been at my job for a year now, and I've seen this guy lots of times, but we never really started talking until we found that we shared a common interest.

My first key of winning friends:  find something that they are interested in, and truly be interested in it as well.  This technique shows them that you care about them and that you aren't going to simply roll your eyes and sigh when they start talking to you about the same topic later on.  It will actually begin to open up a door of friendship.


  1. You are so right! The fact that you ask is a big part of it. I somehow have always been perceived as prying if I ask, so I listen for their interest and then give my two cents in the area. It's nowhere near as productive as your friendly, open manner.

    You are definitely talented: socially, photographically, and linguistically. I'm impressed.
