"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How did we sink so low?

Isaiah 63:17-19

O Lord, why do you make us wander from your ways and harden our heart, so that we fear you not?  Return for the sake of your servants, the tribes of your heritage.  Your holy people held possession for a little while; our adversaries have trampled down your sanctuary.  We have become like those over whom you have never ruled, like those who are not called by your name.


When did we lose sight of Your holiness, Lord?  When did we begin treating You as if You didn't matter, or worse, as if the only reason for Your existence is to give us what we want when in reality, it is the reason of our existence to give You what You deserve?  When did we forget that when we pray, we are talking to the Most High God, the God Almighty, the God of Creation?  How is it even possible?

God, please make us a people that fears You for who You really are, not because of some contrived notion of who we think You are.  You are holy, and who are we to ever forget that?  May we always seek to serve You to the best of our abilities, and not because we happen to feel like it or want to, but because You deserve nothing less.

Teach us how to fear You.  Teach us how to walk with wisdom.  Teach us how to give You Your due reverence.


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