"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Sunday, September 18, 2011


a picture from pinterest that i rather like

My journal and I need to have a coffee date sometime

I'm having lots of fun with Pinterest, which has made me wish for more opportunities to go hiking ... don't ask me why

Did you know that you can actually hear the music when "working" register 19?  This is the only reason that I know that HEB has begun playing today's top 40

I have never been so thankful for my one day off a week as I am today

My Tennessee trip can't get here soon enough

"The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" is an excellent movie

I have been taken with the sudden desire to do a photoshoot with a country setting, but I have no clue as to the subject matter

beautiful country setting: pinterest

I greatly miss having time to just go do stuff ... but then the question would become, "with who," so there goes that idea...

I greatly enjoy the movie "Come What May"

My little sister turned 9 two days ago

My new slogan in life is "When all else fails, eat pie" ... believe it or not, this came from a biology class I took a year ago ... don't ask

A random person from a random phone number that I do not recognize texted me yesterday saying, "I have been waiting all day to buy you a beer ... Where are you?"

And there you have it!  A few miscellaneous thoughts and actions that have overtaken my life over the past several weeks.  I hope you enjoyed it.  ;)

another pinterest photo


  1. 'A random person from a random phone number that I do not recognize texted me yesterday saying, "I have been waiting all day to buy you a beer ... Where are you?"'

    That one actually made me laugh. :)

  2. We don't need no stinking badges.
