"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Living Differently

I inwardly sighed as the customer watched the screen intently, pointing excitedly at the price of Texas peaches, telling me that they rang up incorrectly yet again.  "Remember," she said with a sickeningly sweet smile.  "This happened last time too!  They're 50 cents a pound, not a dollar."  I changed the price for her, annoyed, but trying not to show it.  I wanted to scream since this same customer had made my IPM's (items per minute [scanned]) drop by 1.5 points earlier that same day.  I was doing my very best to get her out the door, and she just wasn't cooperating!!!

Unfortunately, this is a story that has played itself out time and time again.   Every time a customer wants to argue prices or has to have their groceries packed in such and such a way, I plaster a big 'ole smile on my face, say "Yes ma'am," grit my teeth (to keep my thoughts from taking on words), and get the job done.   Yeah, customers are that frustrating at times.

But then it hit me.  I thought about salvation.  Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one goes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6)."  And I thought about how it is only by God's grace that I will gain life eternal.  So, if it is by Christ alone that I get to heaven, then there is nothing that I can do to get me there.  If there is nothing that I can do to get me there, then I have to rely fully upon Jesus.

If I am nothing, then I should live like it. 

One thing I have struggled with in the past is the idea of rights.  Rights are those things that we think we're all entitled to, and heaven help the poor suckers who try to take them away or act like we're nothing ... like customers.  As a Christian, I am to live a selfless life, one lacking in rights, and overflowing with servitude coupled with love.  If Christ Himself became nothing for my sake, then is it right for me to ask for more for my view of my own life?

Living differently from the world means realizing that I am nothing without Christ, and that Christ defines who I am!  Living differently requires me to live like I am nothing, keeping my expectations of  being treated well at a bare minimum.  It's hard, but it's in my weaknesses that Christ is shown strong!

All I want is to live a life that honors Christ.

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