"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bound by Love

We're siblings.  Three people obviously from the same family -- mannerisms, humor, values, interests -- and we've got the memories to prove it.

I remember one time Mom instructed the three of us to study together for our history exam.  We holed ourselves up in Zach and Luke's room and "studied" hard.  Haha, who am I kidding?  We spent the whole time spouting off our favorite movie quotes, mimicking each other, and laughing!  Haha, such great memories!  For those of you concerned, I do believe the average grade on that test was a 98.  :P

Zach, I never told you before, but all through high school, I was competing with you grades-wise.  Yes, every single Spanish, history, vocabulary, and economics test we ever took together, I wanted to beat you!  Unfortunately, that was rarely the case.  ;)  Without knowing it, you pushed me to do well!

Luke, you kept me wanting to whap you over the head with my notebook during history discussions!  :P  Mom's nickname for you, Prez, fits you well indeed.  You're going to go far and will make some drastic (and much-needed) changes in this country.  I fully believe you will have a huge impact on this world.

At the end of August, Zachary will be headed to Longview to continue his education in Air Traffic Control Management.

I'll be headed to Dallas to continue studying for Biblical Studies with a focus in Counseling.

Luke will be headed north to Michigan for his college career where he'll be pursuing a degree in Political Science.

We're siblings, obviously from the same family, but headed in three very different directions ... but with the common bond of the Holy Spirit.

What hurts the most is that our days of being each others constant companions has officially come to a close.  We're all moving on, pursuing adventures all our own.  Rarely now will our stories overlap.  But that's okay.  This is how it needs to be.  And you know what?  We'll always be friends.  Always.

I praise God for my family and how He graciously allowed us the friendship with each other that we have.  God is good, so very good, even through bittersweet moments of growing up and doing what we have been called to do.

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