"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Friday, August 31, 2012


It's nothing special, just a small blue building on the side of the highway nestled between apartment complexes and a law firm.  People drive by it all the time, every day.  There is nothing about it that makes it stand out.

Contained within those blue walls, however, are people who do things that make my heart break within me!  It is within those doors and hallways where women who feel like their backs are against a wall go to take care of their "problems."  These so-called problems are also some of the most precious things on this planet.

Mica and I began a mission today.  Our mission is to pray down abortion clinics, begging God for this heinous act to become extinct in America. 

We began our day in prayer together, asking God to give us boldness in our stand for righteousness.  Then we grabbed our Bibles and stood outside that blue building and prayed like never before!

At first I was nervous.  A bunch of "what if's" began swirling round in my mind.  What if someone who worked at the clinic ran us off?  What if this wasn't how we were supposed to be spending our morning?  What if this wasn't a good idea after all?  But as I began to pray, all the "what if's" melted away.  What we were doing may have looked strange to the world around us - standing there on the sidewalk by the highway, reading our Bibles, singing (at least, I was), and praying - but we are called to live by standards higher than those of the world's.

We had been praying for about a half an hour when a lady came out and introduced herself to me.  The thought that instantly popped in my head was, oh no!  Looks like we're going to have to leave now.  The confrontation, however, went quite differently than I expected.  She introduced herself, looked at my open Bible, and said, "God bless you!  Thanks for doing this!  We felt a 'bump' when y'all got here!"  I couldn't have been more astounded!

She said that she and two other people came every time the clinic had killing hours and did street counseling.  She thanked us for praying and gave us her contact information.  After that, the two with her poked around the corner and thanked us as well with smiles and God bless-es.

God encouraged me through that experience like none other.  Mica and I have decided to do an hour of prayer outside that clinic once a week.

If you would, please pray that God's will would be done!  Pray that He would provide evangelism opportunities through this, and that He would be glorified.  Also, please pray that the abomination of killing unborn babies would halt entirely!  It's a huge undertaking, but with God, all things are possible!

I will continue to pray, and I know that God will continue to become more real to not only myself, but also to those we encounter.

Soli Deo Gloria! 

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