Last night, I could have sworn I saw a 10 foot snake slithering on my wall. I hopped out of my bed, screamed, "SNAKE" and flipped on the light switch, my heart getting ready to pound out of my chest. It was at this point that my yell woke my sister up and she bounded out of bed telling me it was okay. Of course, at that point I was fully awake and trying to steady my heart-beat. With the light on, I could see that there was no python hanging on my wall and that I could go back to sleep in peace. My sister snickered at me and turned off the light before going back to bed herself.
[As a side note, all my nightmares seem to include snakes. It is with Indiana Jones that I can confidently say: Snakes? I hate snakes! I HATE THEM!]
I've been known to have conversations with myself, sing, get tangled up in my covers to the point where I think I'll never get out, and end up using my sister's pillow. Since it seems to be a fairly regular occurrence, I think that's one of the reasons God allowed me the blessing of sleeping deeply... or I would never sleep at all. :P
Sleep is a precious commodity that we often take for granted. Some of us sleep as hard as a rock with about as much muscle movement as a lame sloth, while others thrash about, never quite getting comfortable and wake at the slightest bit of outside noise.
I myself am a balance between the two. I sleep as hard as a rock, but I use the whole bed (did I mention I sleep on a king-sized bed?). Many adventures I have had whilst asleep. I'm usually unaware of them myself, but I've given lots of laughs to my roommates who, once the sun hath risen over the horizon, have relayed stories that have even mine own shoulders shaking in mirth!
I'm not alone, however, in my half-asleep stupors. During breakfast this morning, I discovered that at least half my family talks or walks in their sleep and that we all, even the little ones, have funny stories to tell about our snoozing siblings. Apparently, we're a very active bunch, even when unconscious.
And let me tell you, nothing puts me to sleep quite as quickly as a movie. If a movie goes on and I'm cuddled up in a blanket and laying down on the couch, I'll be out in 5 minutes or less. It's gotten so bad that watching movies has become more like a chore than anything else!
But yes. Sleep is good. I love to sleep, and I love the joy that sleeping brings to me, even if I'm not conscious enough to fully appreciate it at the time.
[As a side note, all my nightmares seem to include snakes. It is with Indiana Jones that I can confidently say: Snakes? I hate snakes! I HATE THEM!]
I've been known to have conversations with myself, sing, get tangled up in my covers to the point where I think I'll never get out, and end up using my sister's pillow. Since it seems to be a fairly regular occurrence, I think that's one of the reasons God allowed me the blessing of sleeping deeply... or I would never sleep at all. :P
Sleep is a precious commodity that we often take for granted. Some of us sleep as hard as a rock with about as much muscle movement as a lame sloth, while others thrash about, never quite getting comfortable and wake at the slightest bit of outside noise.
[none of these is accurate when it comes to determining my personality as I utilize them all and I know I don't have multiple personalities disorder :)]
I myself am a balance between the two. I sleep as hard as a rock, but I use the whole bed (did I mention I sleep on a king-sized bed?). Many adventures I have had whilst asleep. I'm usually unaware of them myself, but I've given lots of laughs to my roommates who, once the sun hath risen over the horizon, have relayed stories that have even mine own shoulders shaking in mirth!
I'm not alone, however, in my half-asleep stupors. During breakfast this morning, I discovered that at least half my family talks or walks in their sleep and that we all, even the little ones, have funny stories to tell about our snoozing siblings. Apparently, we're a very active bunch, even when unconscious.
And let me tell you, nothing puts me to sleep quite as quickly as a movie. If a movie goes on and I'm cuddled up in a blanket and laying down on the couch, I'll be out in 5 minutes or less. It's gotten so bad that watching movies has become more like a chore than anything else!
But yes. Sleep is good. I love to sleep, and I love the joy that sleeping brings to me, even if I'm not conscious enough to fully appreciate it at the time.
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