"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Monday, August 12, 2013

Choose Wisely, My Friend

I must say that this summer, one of the things I've been enjoying the most is getting to know each of my younger siblings for who they are.  Zach, Luke, Eliza and I are a gang and have been since we were little, so it's been nice spending time with the younger ones for a change.

Tonight, as I picked Grace up from her book club, we got to talking about the friends we have and the difference between good company and bad company.

Grace:  Sometimes when I'm with ... I just really want to go be with my other friends
Me:  Do you just not feel safe around ...?
Grace:  Yeah, it's a weird feeling

You know, I used to have two best friends who I did everything with.  We played together, talked together, spent the night at each others' houses, etc.  As we got to middle school, though, it became evident that they were both walking a path I wasn't comfortable following.  Something gnawed at my insides whenever I was around them, and I always felt like I was going to get in trouble.

It was with pain and regret that I told my parents I could no longer be friends with those two.  Something just always felt slightly off when I was with them, and it wasn't that we were necessarily doing anything wrong.  It was just that I got the sense that things could go downhill in a big hurry and I didn't want any part in it!

Looking back and seeing the things I see in their lives now, I'm so thankful that God spared me from those relationships.  I have a lot of joy in my life, I have earned the trust of my parents, and I love learning more about God!  All of these things I would either have been alone in or would have lacked entirely if I had continued spending time with those individuals.

When I told Grace this, she said, "Well at least you know how to pick friends!"  And when I learned she could relate to my story, it made me glad because that means that she'll be wise about the friends she chooses as well.  There's a HUGE difference between the friends who we're comfortable around and the ones we aren't.

Bad friends will tell you it's okay to do certain things because, hey, it's your life and you should be able to live it up the way you want!  Great friends will point out red flags when they see them and hold you accountable to righteous living.

And yes, accountability means a lot.  It will be a dangerous day indeed once we decide we no longer desire someone looking over our shoulder and checking us when needs be.  A truly great friend will put the relationship on the line by calling you out when you need it, and will spur you on towards love and good deeds.

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.  A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. ~ Proverbs 18:1-2

Blessed is the one who fears the LORD always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity. ~ Proverbs 28:14

Oh how thankful I am for my sister, Grace.  The more I've been getting to know her this summer, the more I realize how deep of a thinker she really is, and how passionate she is about the things of God.  She takes time to process conversations or off-hand remarks made by our family members and really chews on Truth.  Oh to be more like my Grace who has a quiet and gentle spirit and who is actively pursuing wisdom.  More than that, I'm so proud of her for longing to make right decisions when it comes to making close friends.

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