It's evening
The sun is setting
The temperature is cooling
Zach Boy is in the backyard playing soccer with Ethan
Grace and Luke are sitting quietly on the couches in the family room, each lost in their own little world
Dad is in his study, typing away furiously at his sermon which he must deliver tomorrow morning
The smell of leftover dinner fills all of the downstairs as it has yet to be put away
Mom is summoning some of the little ones upstairs for bedtime rituals
Helen starts in with the first of what will be many excuses as to why she should still be up
The wind is blowing the trees
Jacob is bantering with Zach Boy
The lights are starting to flip on all throughout the house
This. This is what I love.
This. This is home.
The sun is setting
The temperature is cooling
Zach Boy is in the backyard playing soccer with Ethan
Grace and Luke are sitting quietly on the couches in the family room, each lost in their own little world
Dad is in his study, typing away furiously at his sermon which he must deliver tomorrow morning
The smell of leftover dinner fills all of the downstairs as it has yet to be put away
Mom is summoning some of the little ones upstairs for bedtime rituals
Helen starts in with the first of what will be many excuses as to why she should still be up
The wind is blowing the trees
Jacob is bantering with Zach Boy
The lights are starting to flip on all throughout the house
This. This is what I love.
This. This is home.