"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Sun is Shining

The air is sweet, the breeze is blowing, the sun is shining.  Today is going to be amazing!  Today, I'm going to try to get some studying done and I'll probably take some time out to listen to music as well. 

I read a bit of the Psalms and Proverbs today (perhaps 2 of my favorite books in the Bible) and was just encouraged at how good God truly is.  Nothing can be done outside His awesome will.  He has a plan for my life -- not sure what it is yet -- and He will faithfully lead me.  My life is not my own to live, but it is to be lived to the fullest for God's glory.  It doesn't matter what I do, be it cleaning my room, taking a test, talking with friends, watching a movie, or anything else I decide to do, it's for Him and Him alone.

Have an awesome day, everyone!

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. You're right. Life is a gift from God and His gifts are always the best.

    That's why life is awesome. God rocks.

  2. "Nothing can be done outside His awesome will."
    Well said. Rest in that.
    Great is His faithfulness. :)
