"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break Overview

Things that happened this week:

-- Spring Break technically began on Thursday of last week, so it's been a nice break

-- Zachary was home!  Always a plus!

-- We had some really great weather, so last week I decided I was going to go hiking sometime this week, but it never did come to fruition

-- We celebrated 2 birthdays with one more on the morrow

--  We had a game night with the S family and ended up playing capture the flag where I scuttled here and there with a comforter tossed over my head!  :P

-- (this one's more like a lowlight) I had to learn how to let go of some personal plans ... again

-- I didn't necessarily get to spend as much time with my family as I would have liked

-- I got to have coffee with my dear friend, Margaret (I think we pretty much covered all the bases that a conversation can cover!)

-- I'm gonna have lunch with Christina today!!!

-- I did not get to see several of the extensions of my family (Peter, you failed to take your usual place in our home this week!  And I didn't really see the H's at all....)

-- I did not get to read like I had wanted

Yes, this was a different Spring Break for the Adamses, but all in all, it was fairly nice.  Am I ready for classes to start back up on Monday?  .... not really .... But I can't really help that.  :P  Here's to getting back to the daily grind!

{All photo credit to Margaret Stroud}

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