Social media has suddenly blown up with the hullabaloo that Phil Robertson's remarks made. I understand there was a ruckus, and I understand that it is, in fact, an issue that America as a nation needs to deal with. However, have we chosen the right battle?
A few weeks ago, I read the story of how 80 believers in North Korea were rounded up and shot. Their Bibles were being referred to as "pornography" and anyone in possession of one was to be killed. Where's the indignation over that?
Yesterday I read an article about how Syrian believers were massacred senselessly. I read how church services were interrupted with shootings and how the bodies of whole families were found in the bottom of wells. Where's the heart break over that?
When there are people who are dying because they believe that Yeshua is also haMashiach - that is, Messiah - then the fact that someone was asked to leave a tv show due to a few remarks doesn't quite raise my hackles. I think there's a lot going on with the whole Duck Dynasty thing, but I also think we need to wake up and realize that there are a lot worse things happening in this world we live in.
Guys, persecution is real and it really effects believers around the world. America's form of persecution is minor compared to a lot of countries. But there will be a day when that is not the case. Yes, there will be a day when it won't matter anymore where you live or which passport you happen to carry.
We are the body of Christ, and right now, the story that lies heaviest on my heart is not the one about a man who made some controversial remarks, but rather is the story of my brothers and sisters getting tortured and killed in Syria. That is the story that breaks my heart.
Church, we need to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. We need to pray that God gives them the boldness they need to stand up for the gospel, the grace to pray for their enemies, and the peace that passes all understanding to guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
That's my prayer, and I hope you'll join me.
Here's the link to the Syrian story. I hope you'll read it and that it will open your eyes to the reality of the persecuted church:
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