"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Come On, Let's Go!

I imagined my life to look so very different.  Technically speaking, if everything had gone according to my plan, I would be entering my senior year of college in just a few short weeks.  I would have a car.  I would be somewhere close to having real adventures.

Well, as it turns out, after taking a full year of classes at a community college, I took a semester off of school to work and then transferred in to a Bible college.  Due to the difference in nature of the two schools, all my credits transferred, but few actually applied to classes I really needed.  Where I had my math and science courses completed, I needed Greek and Hebrew.  That sort of thing.  ;)

And as it turns out, I'm much closer to having real adventures than I originally thought.  After completing a year and a half at that school, something else came up.  In fact, it happened right around Easter.  This thing rocked my world, excited me beyond imagination, and made me want to really do things with my life.  What was that event?  Well.

I decided to go to Israel for six months.

What???  Won't that set you back in school yet again?  Won't you miss huge family events at home, like, oh I don't know, the birth of you newest sibling?  Won't that set you back in school?  And isn't Israel surrounded by hostile nations? Most importantly, won't that set you back in school???

The answer is a big whopping "YES" to all of these.

As you can imagine, one of the biggest factors playing against me is the time-frame in which I finish school.  After thinking long and hard about this, I've come to these realizations:
1)  Finishing school in a mere four years (which I already blew by taking a semester off) is more of a cultural norm than anything else
2)  I have literally nothing holding me back at this point.  I'm not married, engaged, or even in a relationship, so this is THE time to do something like this.
3)  I've always had a penchant for adventure, so when an opportunity of these proportions comes my way, I may possibly have an obligation to myself to think seriously about running with these things.
4)  This is truly the adventure of a lifetime, and I seriously can't imagine turning this one down.

So yes, if things were to go according to my plan, my life would look very different, and much less adventure-filled, which is odd since I love living for the memories.  It is with great excitement that I look forward to boarding that plane that will take me half a world away so I can experience what it's like to live in a different culture for an extended period of time.

Yes, school and family will be waiting for me when I come back.  Yes, I'll still have a job when I come back.  And yes, I'll have a slew of stories and photos when I come back.

For the record, I'm so glad my life isn't going according to my plan.  What a boring life that would have been.

So, here's to the memories, adventures, stories, and new experiences.  God is good, my friends, and I can't wait to see what He's written next in the story of my life.


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