"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Monday, June 10, 2013

Just Another Lively Update

I know I've been on a theological kick of late, and that's not a bad thing, but I thought it to be high time I give an update on life.

A few musings are thusly:

1.  School is over and done with for about a year hence.  Why?  You'll have to see the update below to fully grasp why.  But yes, finals have been taken, exit exams completed, and grades uploaded on CAMS.  This has me very excited!

2.  I'm going to Israel in a few months for an extended period of time to enjoy getting to know how another culture lives their day-to-day lives.  I'll be volunteering at a guest house.  But I'm sure this will have a post all its own in the upcoming months.

3.  I'll be staffing with Worldview Academy once again this summer!  Just for a week, but I'm uber stoked.  Think hard. Think well.

4.  As in previous summers, this summer I am mostly just working and saving up for my upcoming trip.  Slightly stressful since I really have to save just about every penny, but it'll be worth it (is what I keep telling myself.)  ;)

5.  Now that it's summer, I'm trying to read as many books for fun as I possibly can.  I've been out of school for 3-ish weeks now, and I'm working on finishing book 3 for the summer.  Awesomesauce, if you know what I mean.  My hope is to get a good selection of both fiction and non-fiction going to broaden my mind and thinking capabilities.  ;)  Can't wait to see the myriads of books that will fall into my lap over the next couple of months.

And that's about it for now!  I do hope all of you are enjoying your summer thus far.  :)

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