The past couple of days have all meshed together into a sort of blur, but that's probably only because I spent most of my time in the blissful depths of unconsciousness. Since the entirety of last week is also beginning to blend together, I think I shall do a recap in bullet points. Bear with me:
- Saturday - the staff met up and became a new team motivated towards the same purpose, that of encouraging and requiring growth of our students in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful day spent meeting and getting to know one another, drinking coffee, and going through a mini training session. Oh yeah, and singing with Sarah, Sedy, Cara, and Lauren at the top of our lungs to some awesome tunes as we spent ample time in the car!
- Sunday - my first time ever getting to practice what Worldview Academy calls "aggressive hospitality." Over the summer I always worked registration, so it was really awesome to get my turn jumping, shouting, waving at, and just about scaring all the camp-goers and their families. So much stinkin' fun! :D I also got to meet my small group for the first time and began to form a friendship with each of the girls I was entrusted with.
Favorite Small Group Memories:
- Playing a crazy game of "Egg-Chicken-Monster-Queen" on our first night together
- Going off the zip-line
- Our discussion on becoming bold for Christ
- The lengthy discussion we had on Thursday about various lectures/theological topics that gave them pause
- Listening to one of the girls sing show tunes every night before bed
- Star gazing! If I could move to the country for one reason only, this would be it. So beautiful!
- Telling a story by reaching a climax and then passing it on to the next girl in line (this was great fun)
- Having squat races
- Swimming when it was only about 60 degrees out
- Going to the Inn and drinking REAL coffee with Kristen and Michael
- Talking with Jarrett at length about college, work, and church ... and then going over discussion topics
- Laughing with Esther and Sedy late one night as we were getting ready for bed. We were so sleep-deprived that we all ended up in a heap on the floor laughing till it hurt as we tried to decipher what the others were saying
- Lauren being Lauren ... I LOVE that lady!
Favorite All-Around Camp Memories:
- Staff vs. Student frisbee game! Always a blast!
- Campfire. During the first verse of the first song, the guitar stopped and the entire camp continued worshiping a capella. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard! I just sat back in awe as I listened to the testimonies of the students, remaining captivated in the amazing work of God
- Meeting the parents of the students. This part of the week always slightly intimidates me as I wonder if I've helped their students truly have the best week of their lives. But then I remember that the entire week is completely in God's hands anyway, so I just relax and enjoy conversing with the moms and dads who are eager to see what their sons and daughters have learned. It's truly a blessing to me to be able to talk with them.
And that my friends, is a slight recap of my experience at Fall Camp. I can't tell you how much the Lord blessed me by allowing me to, yet again, be a part of the amazing organization known as Worldview Academy. I stand amazed again and again at the wonderful godly young men and women I have gotten to know over these past several months, and I am truly thankful for being allowed the opportunity to pour my heart and soul into the students.
Thank you, Jesus, for all that you do. Amen.
Sounds like yall had an awesome time. Rock on!