"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I collapsed on the floor, shaking with the unbearable convulsions that laughter brought.

I can't tell you how much my family means to me!  My mom, sister and I sat around the kitchen reminiscing old times, times that my sister and I could recall with perfect clarity whilst my mother tried, without success, to bring the same scenes to remembrance.  Eliza and I told one story after another from our little kid years, and Mom just sat there laughing as each image was brought to life with much imitation, acting out, and singing (yes, let's not forget the singing).

It was so much fun bringing back the old times.  For instance, there was the time when we had to construct an ear (yes, a human ear) out of our school table, a pot, plastic wrap, and rubber bands.  Then there was the time that Zach dressed up like Montezuma (hawk cap and everything) and we reenacted the battle between him and Cortez.  There was even a time when we had to make a miniature version of the temple, as well as turn our living room into a larger depiction.

We relived co-ops that we did or didn't like (you should see Eliza imitating her Spanish teacher [this was the scene that had me collapsed on the floor]), and favorite unit studies.  We told the tales of which of us remembered which details from which lesson, and which ones needed a bit more prodding.

My sister and I remembered back to the times when we went crazy after dinner and brought out "the band."  These were the times when the Adams children went wild, bringing out albums by Petra, Carmen (not the opera), and Phantom of the Opera (the opera).  Each one of us had a specific instrument we had to play while one of us always took the part of the lead singer.  Then we would turn the music up loud, play our air instruments, and sing our little hearts out.  =D

Oh yes, those were the days...


  1. Love this! Hope my kids do the same!

    Most people haven't heard of Carmen (the opera). In high school I had a competition piece I sang from it. It was a weird song. I think I like Camen (the opera) better than Carmen (not the opera)! :)

    As always, beautiful writing!!

  2. Let's not forget the bar scene. Man, oh man. That night was like reliving our memories. *sniff*

