"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I had such a blast with Miss Christina today!  Since it has been nearly two months since we've seen each other, we made a special effort to get together this weekend.  I'm so glad it worked out!  We had so much fun talking, eating lunch, talking, window shopping, talking, taking pictures, and oh yeah, talking.

I've known this gorgeous gal for about 6 years now.  We met at my very first cross country practice, and were able to continue our relationship through the NCFCA later on.

One of the things I just love about Christina is her passion for the Lord.  Whenever we get together, we always naturally turn the conversation to the things of God.  It's so awesome to get to spend time with someone who gets excited about Jesus!  Her excitement always rubs off on me!

I love how close we've grown, especially during this past year.  It's so easy to share my heart with this sweet young woman.  She always has a listening ear and is ready to either encourage or offer sage advice for me.  I love her so dearly, and truly cherish the precious moments I get to spend with her!

Friday, July 22, 2011


"Did you actually pick up those toys, or did you just push them out of the way?"

"Turn the light on, then you'll be able to see the dirt!"

"Take everything off the dresser, then dust."

"If the sponge doesn't work on the faucet, lick your finger and scrub.  It needs to shine!"

I shook my head, laughing inwardly, as I deep cleaned the house this morning.  Isn't it funny how you hear phrases spoken by your parents all during your childhood, and then when you're grown and you know how to do things properly, you replay their warnings and advice over and over again in your head?  Yeah, that's what happened to me today .... AND I HAVEN'T TOUCHED THE VACUUM CLEANER IN 2 YEARS!!!

I just have to laugh when I think about those days!  It really wasn't that bad.  When cleaning the house today, I actually found joy in it all!  I now don't mind vacuuming, scrubbing, and dusting.  It made me feel like I'd done something productive with my day, which brings me to another phrase I heard all of growing up:

"Use your time wisely!"  If there's one thing my parents hate, it's wasting time.  The only time of the day I ever see my mom sit down is during dinner!  The rest of the day she spends cooking, cleaning, teaching, organizing, planning, writing, etc.  My dad is constantly cooking up new ways to advertise and grow his business, as well as working on his website.  He also co-pastors our church, which means he spends a lot of time praying for each of the families, calling up the men of the church, and writing sermons.  Oh, I did mention that he spends time with us each day, right?  My parents are pretty much the hardest workers I know!

Yep, I hear the voices of my parents in the back of my head all. the. time.  And that's good, because not only do I love hearing the sound of their voices, the advice they give me really has made a difference.

On sort of a humorous note, one of the things I constantly hear my dad say is, "that is not a walkway!"  This is always said in reference to the small area between the end table and the couch in the living room that everybody assumes is a short-cut to get to the main room.  I've heard that particular sentence nearly every day for the past 5 years, and to this day, I go around the couch.  ;)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Stand

I am nothing, and for that I praise the Lord!  He is so beautiful, strong, pure, merciful, and just!  I'm just beginning to crack the code of who God really is!  When I begin to think on His wonderful, fathomless character, I stand in awe, rendered completely speechless!

So I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe, of the One who gave it all
I'll stand, my soul, Lord, to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Days 3, 4, and 5

Yes, I'm getting a tad behind in my posting, but I guess it can't be helped!  The events of the past couple of days have kept the three of us busy!

To catch you up, we celebrated the birthday of a very dear friend of mine on Friday.  The evening was filled with gifts, cake, games, and laughter!  It was a bit nostalgic, seeing as I remember when she turned 10!  Man, does time fly, or what???  We've certainly made a lot of fun memories over the years, and I can't tell you how excited I am about all the memories that are yet to be made between us!

Then last evening, we headed over to the W. house where we had fun swimming, eating dinner, and playing games till all hours of the night!  It was a blast!  I can't tell you how nice it was to be able to hang out with a family again!

Lastly, but most certainly not least, we had a lovely lunch with the H. family after church today.  It was wonderful to be able to visit with a family that I have long considered a part of my family.  We pretty much covered all the bases from the sermon this morning to geography!  We had a great time!

We've also been enjoying just hanging around the house this afternoon.  It's so nice to have a consistent day off every week, and I didn't realize how much I depended on that until these past couple of weeks.  I love Sundays!  It's the one day of the week where I can justify doing absolutely nothing!  :P

Well, I'm going to go finish enjoying this beautiful day!  Have a wonderful evening!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 2: Of Shrimp Scampi and Other Things

Yesterday marked day 2 of being left behind.  Yes, the house is still silent as the grave, and no, we have not gotten used to it yet.  However, we are ignoring the said silence and beginning to look for things to entertain ourselves.

I have taken over the job of cooking whilst the family is away.  As such is the case, I had a glorious time poking about the grocery store, figuring out what delectable dishes I could make.  Last night's menu consisted of shrimp scampi, made with white wine, butter, garlic, heavy cream, and oregano, along with a caesar salad.  I think it was a success, seeing as the guys and myself kept going back for more!  :)

Then, later on, we headed down to Zilker to watch "Footloose" with some friends.  We came in during the middle of it, seeing as Zach had to work late, but it was really easy to pick up on what was going on.  We met up with some friends there and had a jolly time jawing afterwards.  Methinks an early morning trip to Barton Springs is in the plans somewhere in the future.  ;)

And so, our day began and finished fairly uneventfully.

NOTE:  I really need to start these blog posts on the actual day, but when I try to do so, I find I'm much too tired to sit here typing away and would much rather be curled up in my bed.  Ah well.  Here's to trying!  :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 1: Left Behind

Yesterday I stood in the driveway, watching as my van vanished around the corner.  My entire family, save myself and two of my brothers, drove away to visit extended family in various parts of the country.  It felt unfair to be left behind, but I knew that I couldn't justify asking off of work for another couple of weeks so soon after already having substantial time off.

It was so strange yesterday, what with the house being so quiet and all.  There was no pitter-patter of little feet running about the place, and no squeals of laughter filling the house with life.  The house was deathly still.  I realized something that morning.  Houses don't automatically become homes just because that's where you lay your head at night when you go to sleep.  No, a house becomes a home when life is present there.  Laughter, tears, joy, pain, conversation, arguing, joking ... all of this I was missing yesterday.

It was so strange to be left in silence yesterday morning.  Zach left for work first thing, Luke was asleep, and I was left to my own devices.  It was then, in the ear-splitting silence, that I realized just how long these next couple of weeks are going to be.

I woke Luke up, needing someone to interact with, and we went to the bank, Ikea, then finally the Arboretum.    I just love hanging out with my brothers, but it's hard to find a time when all three of us are off of work with no other plans for the day.  Luke and I got to enjoy some great time together!  Last night, when we were all back from work and class, we hung out ... just like normal.

Yes, if I had to be left behind at some other time, it would have to be with Zach and Luke all over again.  :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things are Looking Up

I'm feeling a sense of peace.  Yes, my life plans for the fall are still very much undecided, up in the air, and altogether nonexistent, but I'm learning to let go of my "must be in control" tendencies and leave it up to God.  I've come to the realization, after much frustration and crying out to God, my worrying simply won't supply a solution to my problem.  The only solution to this dilemma rests securely in the hands of my very capable God.

There were several times this past week that I've been driven to my knees, my heart so full that it overflowed, leaving my eyes red-rimmed and aching.  I honestly felt like my soul was slowly being torn to shreds, and I had no idea how to heal the aching in my heart.  I know that God used -- and is still using -- this whole experience to draw me ever closer to Him.

I'm not going to lie.  I have my moments of doubt and worry that I'll be doing nothing but sitting on my duff, watching the clouds roll by and life going on without me.  I don't want to be left in the dust!  But then I am called back to Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

This is a verse that I have to cling to with all my strength, but God is faithful!  He has a plan for my fall, waiting in great anticipation to reveal it to me.  I'm excited because all my plans pale in comparison to His perfect and meticulous plan!  GOD IS SO GOOD!!!  I will delight in Him, and I will worship Him!  No trial can ever take my Him away!

Praise the Lord, oh my soul!  Praise the LORD!!!!