"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Well Hi!!!

Haha!  Wow!  It has been a long time since I've thought of anything blog posty-ish.  No, nothing thought-provoking has been on my radar of late, mainly because since finishing school last week (woot!), I've been caught up in a whirlwind of high school graduations, work, and trying to get back to a normal life.  Ah well, life is good.

Ok, so, you know how I've changed my college major three times and still have not entirely settled as to what I want to do?  Yeah.  In the midst of the greatest ambiance in the world (a.k.a. Barnes and Noble), Mom and I discussed my life over a glorious cup of coffee.  It wasn't until last night that I realized why I flit back and forth between the things I supposedly want to do and then change my mind so quickly.  It was so obvious that I missed it until last night!  I have no vision for my life's story.  That's it!  I have no idea where my life is going to go in the next couple of years (hopefully it'll go somewhere).

Let me just pause here and say that my mom is the only person I know who can get me to cry in public.

Okay, back to my story.  So I was sitting there, in the middle of Barnes and Noble with a mocha latte on the table in front of me, trying not to make a sopping wet mess of the world and all its inhabitants as my mom and I FINALLY realized what's been wrong with me!  I won't deny it:  this thought had me depressed for a short while.

But with my depressing realization also came hope.  I know that God has a plan for my life!  And you know what?  I'm super excited about what He has in store for me!  His plans for my life are far beyond anything I can comprehend, and it gives me something specific to pray for.  I just know He will reveal Himself to me, and that He has a specific kind of work set aside for me to do.  I don't know what it is yet, but I can't wait to discover it!


  1. Three cheers for crying in public! I've never done it myself, but admire people who are open and genuine enough to do so! God's got your future all planned out, and your concern as to what it is does you credit. He wants you to care, but also to trust... the balance between the two is where your heart seems to be! :)

  2. I've actually been mulling this concept over for a long time. Not specifically your exact situation, but several others that are similar.

    So I'm going to throw in my 2 cents if that's alright.

    Be careful about saying you "...have a passion for a life that has no purpose yet." I would respectfully disagree with that on 2 counts.

    1. You do have a purpose. It's to love God with all your heart and to glorify Him.

    You know this. Don't forget that.

    2. You've already taken vast strides towards the purpose listed above.

    Case in point, when I think of someone who exemplifies cheerfulness (keyword, "joy"), you're the first person who comes to mind.

    So while true, you may not know how God will use you, if you purpose in your heart to serve Him on every scale, no matter how small, then you're right where God wants you to be.

    Every. Day.

    (sure this could be misconstrued, but you know what I'm driving at)

    HEB, YSA, WVA, church, home... you name it, God wants you glorifying Him during every bit and everywhere. That is your life purpose.

    There. Is. No. Other. Purpose.

    In conclusion, I think you're a lot closer to your life goal/vision/purpose than you may realize.

    At the same time, just like the rest of us sinners, you/we are so freaking far away from perfection that we kind of forget why we're really here.

    If you want more practicum then remind me some time and we'll talk. I've mulled that over a bit too.

  3. Praise God for giving us wise parents :). I'll be praying for you during this time. What a neat opportunity for the Lord to show you many new things and grow you!
    Love you, dear!

  4. Paul: Yeah, it came out sounding like something completely different than what I meant. :P What I was going for was more like "I have a passion for life, now I just have to find out what I'll be doing for the rest of my life." But thanks! This is very encouraging! :)

    Mica: Thanks a ton! It means a lot! Btw: You should come to Austin sometime.... just sayin' ;)

  5. And I hope I didn't sound critical. I was writing that late last night. Remind me the next time and I'll try to explain myself better. :P

  6. Not at all! It was good to hear. :)
