"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Monday, June 17, 2019

Back to School

The last time I enrolled in college, I was 19, single, and highly independent.  In the fall when I pick up where I left off, I will be scarily close to turning 27, married, and will have a husband and a son who will continue to rely on me to do my part in providing a stable home life.


Also, let's pause here to take a minute to scratch our heads over women not wanting people to know their age.  I just don't get it.  Age hits all of us in our time, and me?  I've always rather liked my age.  But I digress.

It'll be a tough transition at first, going from SAHM to College Student.  To say I'm excited, though, would be an understatement.  I am over the moon excited to begin the work it'll take to finish out my degree!  I know it will most likely mean burning the candle at both ends.  I know that I'll probably be chanting "C's get degrees" to myself over and over as I trade in my A's for time spent with my husband and son (and it'll kill me a little inside, but I know that in the long run I'll be so much happier for the family memories than the all revered A plastered on the top of a piece of shredded dead tree I turned in).  I know it'll mean fewer hours of sleep than my already shortened nights.

But I am so up for the challenge.

I am so ready to be sitting in the classroom again, drinking in the information that will be taught.  I am so ready to add studying to my daily routine.  I am so ready to complete this work that I began 8 years ago.

Let's do this.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Grace for the Postpartum Mom

NOTE:  I wrote this back in September and apparently never published it.  I have since lost 16 more of those stubborn pounds and am in my pre-preggo clothing again, but the principle remains the same.  :)

Full blown honesty session here.

I gained 45 pounds during pregnancy.  It's embarrassing to think about and admit.

25 of those came off real quick.

The other 20?  They're taking their sweet time.  No matter how diligent I am in cutting back and working out, they seem.... stuck.

So I'm doing my best to have grace with the fact that it's just going to take time.  And I'm learning to come to terms with and embrace my new, 20-pounds-heavier look.  I've come to terms with the fact that I wore maternity shorts all summer long and they still have yet to feel loose.  I've come to terms with the fact that I had to buy jeans a few pant sizes up from my old size, because if nothing else, they fit.

I'm not living the glamorous life.  I have circles under my eyes most days due to interrupted sleep, but it's ok.  The house is staying clean for the most part, the laundry is getting folded, dinner is usually hot when Josh gets home from work, and the baby gets fed and bathed.

I'm learning to let go of the old outward version of myself and wear the same smile I've always had.  It may create a double chin now, but I'm still happy and content with the way my story is panning out.  I have a family that I love to love.  They make it worth the intermittent sleep patterns, the rolling out of bed at 7 each morning, the cooking, the cleaning, the grocery runs, the doctor's visits... all of it.

Outward appearance can and will fluctuate, but the character stuff that truly makes or breaks a person?  That's what I'm choosing to focus on.  And when I do I find that I am a more content, peaceful person.

Fitness is important because God only gave me one body, but He never said anything about it needing to look like a supermodel.  I am choosing to be a good steward over it so that I can better take care of the family He lovingly gave to me.  It doesn't mean I will lose the pounds, but it means I will be healthy.  That's what matters.