"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

Monday, November 26, 2012

problems with contentment

You know what's wrong with contentment?  It makes you love life wherever you happen to be.  It doesn't seem to matter if you're in the middle of a noisy house filled with small children or sitting by a roaring fire while watching White Christmas.  Life just sorta seems to be good no matter what!

What else is wrong with contentment?  Joy.  Don't you hate how joy manages to finagle its way into your little heart making you see the world through rose-colored glasses?  By the way, I never liked that saying.  I mean, who would want to see the world through a monotone-sepia-colored lens?  Ugh.  I prefer to see life with vibrant colors!  The kind that really pop and make your eyes behold a beauty that was once so faded.  That's what would bring joy to my heart.

But I digress.

I'm currently enjoying the peace that comes with Christmas music and softly glowing candles.  I've unpacked after my simply delightful visit home for Thanksgiving and am gearing up to tackle these last three weeks of the semester.

Beauty is the refocusing of life.

Peace is the understanding that my life is completely in God's hands.

Hope is in the knowledge that school will be over in three weeks.

Joy is in the contentment I have with the way life is right now.

God has been so good to me!  Who am I that He has decided to bless me in ways that I can't even begin to comprehend?  He is God, and God is good.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


It's so nice to be home for Thanksgiving!  10 days off of school is a pretty generous vacation if you ask me.

I got home late Thursday evening, and have been soaking in the sights, smells, and various other joys that only home can bring.

One of my favorite things about being home is getting to see a plethora of stars!  In Dallas, we get to see our star; a single sphere of light.  On clear nights we get to take in the joys that three stars can bring.  At home, however, I get to sit in my backyard next to a roaring fire (contained in the fire pit, of course) and gaze at a sky filled with stars!  Do you know how free that makes me feel?  :)

Also, being home typically means I get to indulge in a Del Cook moment or two!  Yes, ladies and gents, this means that I get to walk in after church on Sundays and instantly my olfactory senses are filled to capacity with the delightful scents of pot roast and roast vegetables.  Oh, be still my beating heart.

At this point, I'm looking forward to Wednesday when my older brother will be able to join us for Thanksgiving festivities!  I haven't seen him since August, so it will be great to catch up over turkey and green bean casserole.

And that's a real quick update of the goings on in my life.

This is Hunky Dory, signing out!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sleepy in Dallas

As I write this, my eyes are drooping shut with sleep.  It's been a long but good day, and here's a quick recap.

I got so much done school-wise today!  This is good because over the past two weeks I feel like all my focus has gone out the window, followed closely by any motivation to focus.  I'm so thankful to God for productive days!

I've found myself just randomly bursting out with a "Thank you Jesus for _____."  I've been overwhelmed with thankfulness for the small things of late.  Generally I thank Jesus for the gorgeous weather, for my awesome roommates, for warm blankets, for hot showers, etc.  Maybe getting my focus back on track is what has helped me focus again in school.

Ok, that wasn't really a recap, but you get the idea.

The time has now struck the wee hours of the morning, so I'm going to call it quits.  Good night world!  Pleasant dreams.  :)